Will Virtual Events Replace Face-To-Face Gatherings? No. Here’s Why

Will Virtual Events Replace Face-To-Face Gatherings? No. Here’s Why.

Today’s world is filled with a lot of uncertainty. However, scheduling experts can be confident that virtual events will never take the place of actual ones, no matter how crucial they have been during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Online “gatherings” will probably play a greater role in keeping businesses and other types of groups linked going ahead now that more people are familiar with them, but they won’t ever completely replace face-to-face meetings and events. Why? At least five justifications come to mind:

Humans cannot do without personal touch 

Yes, it is more beneficial to see someone on a video monitor than to only hear their voice over the phone. Sitting down with them, though, would be preferable since you could see them clearly, read their body language, smell their scent, and overall enjoy a larger, richer sensory experience with them.

Some events require a physical presence mandatorily 

There are some events that cannot happen without people being physically present. For example, a wedding. It is important for the bride and groom and important family members to grace the occasion for it to be conducted successfully. 

Physical proximity helps produce better results 

Being surrounded by other attendees might help you maintain concentrate when the meeting’s subject matter is vital but not particularly interesting. When viewing the session on your computer screen, it’s far too simple to become preoccupied or allow your thoughts wander.

Online events get interrupted due to technical issues 

There are solutions available if a presenter’s microphone at an in-person event suddenly stops working. The individuals impacted are cut off from the virtual conference they were attending when an internet connection becomes erratic or completely fails, or when a computer locks up, and there may be nothing that can be done. What happens if they are a major contributor?

Physical events give you a break from life’s monotony 

It can be beneficial for a person’s mental and emotional health to travel to a different place for a meeting or training session in organisations or enterprises where employees spend the majority of their time at the office.

It is easier to engage an audience in a physical event 

If you are still working from home, chances are good that many of us are eager to return to the office. While working from home might be more convenient and pleasant, there are numerous distractions in the home that make it much harder to concentrate. It gets more challenging to hold your audience’s attention during virtual events than it would be if they were physically present and surrounded by other people who are paying attention and learning with them. Therefore, it is not surprising when event experts state that the biggest difficulty with virtual events is audience participation.

Physical events offer richer exchanges 

In general, individuals communicate in a variety of ways in addition to using words. People can usually express themselves and their knowledge far more precisely and clearly in person than they do online. When communication occurs face-to-face, it is easier to follow the discussion naturally and notice important body language indicators. Furthermore, when speaking face-to-face with someone, it is much simpler to see how enthusiastic and passionate they are about what they are speaking about, which leads to greater engagement in the conversation. In addition, one person rarely talks over the other accidentally, which frequently occurs in virtual exchanges. 

Hence, it is now an established fact that physical events would always score higher than virtual ones as they are a need for humans. Humans cannot live without physical interactions, hence no matter how much technology evolves, physical events continue to take place with the same pomp and show. 

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