10 Truisms of Cyber Security-Part II

Before we reveal the final 5 truisms of cyber security, let’s take a quick recap of the first 5.

  1. Preparation Is The Key To Success
  2. Always Be Able To Deliver The Necessary Outcome
  3. The Secret Of Crisis Management Is Not Good Versus Bad But Preventing The Bad From Getting Worse
  4. Do It Today
  5. Unity Is Strength- Have Partnerships 

To make your small business cyber ready let’s get on with the last 5 truisms of cybersecurity 

6. Humans Are Fallible

As a small business, you need to work on ways to approach cyber deterrence. 

November 2020 saw the first annual cyber security report focusing on industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) by the Control System Cyber Security Association International (CS)2AI and KPMG that concluded

  • Nearly 46% of cyber-attacks have been attributed to negligent insiders (i.e. individuals with trusted access who unwittingly facilitate or cause a breach). 
  • The balance includes hacks attributed to scammers (16%), cybercriminals (14%), nation-state actors (12%) and malicious insiders (11%). 

The US Cyberspace Solarium Commission in its recent 2020 report spoke of speed, agility and a layered cyber deterrence approach to protect private-sector critical infrastructure from human error. 

Lionfish can help you navigate this process with your team. 

Lionfish Cyber Security as an MSSP (managed security services provider) provides small businesses with a layered deterrence approach and cyber awareness training in the BWT Platform™ along with

  • Network monitoring
  • Firewall management
  • Endpoint security
  • Advanced threat protection
  • Incident response
  • Managed security services
  • Compliance management
  • Password protection
  • Mentoring
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

7. Training And Mentoring Are Key To Successful Teams

Be it cybersecurity or other areas of business, a team needs guidance to grow. The day-to-day cyber strategy prepares the team while directs the organization leaders to defend forward and this is what is needed even for a small company. Although designed for DoD contractors, CMMC with its levels of compliance can also be used to strengthen any small business to identify gaps, establish timelines and secure organizational resources. 

Lionfish can help you navigate this process with your team. 

It is through a government-sponsored apprenticeship model that Lionfish has added new ways to tap talent. We offer CompTIA courses and a knowledgebase center with trusted resources that are available 24×7. 

As of January 2021, Lionfish Cyber Security is a CMMC Accredited Practitioner™, a CMMC Registered Provider Organization™ and an approved learning center under the Indiana Office for Career and Technical Schools.

8. To Complete A Project, You Must Begin

I Securing your business

II Continuous monitoring

III Ongoing cybersecurity support

It is within the above-mentioned three areas that small businesses can discover a master plan broken into channels. These channels cover strategic planning for 

  • Policy development
  • Cyber-hygiene standards
  • Company-wide cyber awareness
  • Training employees to be cyber team members
  • Creating cyber security defenses 

Lionfish can help you navigate this process with your team. 

The BWT Platform™ by Lionfish Cyber Security consists of the three primary areas of service that offers a quick-start way to begin the cyber-readiness journey.

9. Don’t Reinvent The Wheel

Do not focus on making your own policies or resources; seek outside resources. Each level of the CMMC standards come with associated controls and process that when applied reduce the risk against cyber threats. You should explore standards even when they are not required.

Lionfish can help you navigate this process with your team. 

Lionfish takes a 24-month approach to secure your cyber readiness so we can help you chart a course and stay on track for months at the end. Our resources are based on CMMC standards that will assist us in taking your small business to new levels of cyber resilience. 

10.The Definition Of Insanity: Doing The Same Thing Over And Over Again Expecting A Different Result

If your small business doesn’t have an active cybersecurity strategy in place it will not make any difference against today’s innovative hackers, evolving malware and new social engineering ploys.

Take a look at these startling statistics:

I According to Inc. Magazine, 

-60% of small businesses go under within six months after a ransomware attack. 

II A recent study was conducted by Cisco, Inc. Magazine and the National Center for the Middle Market of 1,377 business owners that determines

-62% of the respondents didn’t have an up-to-date or active cybersecurity strategy or even any strategy at all.

Lionfish can help you navigate this process with your team. 

What your small business requires is a tailored cybersecurity strategy from scratch. 

With Lionfish Cyber Security you can: 

  • Mitigate your uptime/income
  • Establish enhanced security
  • Become less of an easy target for hackers
  • Increase functionality within I.T.
  • Reduce risks of hacking, malware, and data loss
  • Become cyber self-sufficient in key target areas
  • Lower your technology costs overall
  • Improve profit margins with outside support access

Lionfish Cyber Security, a disabled veteran’s company led by a former Green Beret, takes a military precision style needed to achieve results in cyber-readiness. Connect with Lionfish Cyber Security to make your business cyber ready so it becomes more competitive and profitable while you get that peace of mind for a stronger work-life balance.

So these are the last 5 truisms of cyber security. The first 5 were discussed in detail in Part II. Click here to read all the 10 Truisms of Cybersecurity.

Contact us at [email protected] with any questions.